23 - 26 May 2025
23 - 26
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Olympiad comprises of:


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Events on Friday 23rd May 2025
20:00 - 22:30
An evening of dances ranging from exquisite mazurkas to joyful bourrées. (A)
Sawney White BirdWeekend tickets Only
20:00 - 23:45
Sports Hall
Welcome Ceilidh
The Canny Band Phil Bassindale (Ceilidh Caller)Weekend or Event tickets Only (£15)
22:35 - 23:45
Post-Bal Session & Dancing
Bring your instruments and/or dancing shoes.

Events on Saturday 24th May 2025
09:30 - 11:00
Sports Hall
American Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (P or A)
Charlie Turner Hoik!Weekend or Day tickets Only
09:30 - 11:00
Folk Dance Basics and Beyond
A workshop for beginners and refreshers, with an emphasis on contra and Playford-style dancing, and covering all you need to know to get you dancing this weekend. (P)
Bob Morgan Audrey Jaber (US)Weekend or Day tickets Only
11:15 - 12:40
Sports Hall
American Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (A)
Sue Rosen (US) Hoik!Weekend or Day tickets Only
11:15 - 12:45
Sound Engineering Workshop
[Details to follow]
The Folk Dance Sound CollectiveWeekend or Day tickets Only
13:00 - 13:40
Callers' Round
An opportunity for callers to meet up and exchange notes, hosted by Rhianwen Davies.
Rhianwen DaviesWeekend or Day tickets Only
14:00 - 15:30
Balfolk Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (A)
Andrew Swaine Sawney White BirdWeekend or Day tickets Only
14:00 - 15:30
Sports Hall
American Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (A)
Sue Rosen (US) Audrey Jaber (US)Weekend or Day tickets Only
Bruce Rosen (US)
15:45 - 17:15
Balfolk Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (A)
Andrew Swaine Sawney White BirdWeekend or Day tickets Only
15:45 - 17:00
Sports Hall
American Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (G)
Geoff Cubitt Audrey Jaber (US)Weekend or Day tickets Only
Bruce Rosen (US)
17:30 - 19:25
Sports Hall
Zesty Contra Dance
Lively contra dances with a strong sense of connection and fun. Bring your enthusiasm and stamina - be prepared to dance! (P or A)
Charlie Turner Hoik!Weekend or Day tickets Only
20:00 - 22:30
An evening of dances ranging from exquisite mazurkas to joyful bourrées. (A)
Doug Eunson & Sarah MatthewsWeekend or Day tickets Only
20:00 - 24:00
Sports Hall
Join us for a lively ceilidh event with Banter and Fee Lock. (P)
Banter (Band) Fee Lock (Ceilidh Caller)Weekend, Day or Event tickets Only
22:35 - 23:45
Post-Bal Session & Dancing
Bring your instruments and/or dancing shoes.

Events on Sunday 25th May 2025
09:30 - 11:00
Callers' Workshop: American Squares
[Details to follow] (G)
Geoff Cubitt Audrey Jaber (US)Weekend or Day tickets Only
09:30 - 11:00
Sports Hall
American Dance Workshop: Connection in Contra
Dancing is joyful when we connect with our fellow dancers! We'll practice helping and connecting with others, and experiment with spice and flourishes for everybody to play with safely. (A)
Charlie TurnerWeekend or Day tickets Only
11:15 - 12:45
Mixed/English Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (P or G)
Bernie Culkin Audrey Jaber (US)Weekend or Day tickets Only
Ali Messer
11:15 - 12:40
Sports Hall
American Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (A)
Sue Rosen (US)Weekend or Day tickets Only
13:00 - 13:40
Callers' Round
An opportunity for callers to meet up and exchange notes, hosted by Andrew Swaine.
Andrew SwaineWeekend or Day tickets Only
14:00 - 15:30
Sports Hall
Mixed/English Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (P or G)
Bernie Culkin Audrey Jaber (US)Weekend or Day tickets Only
Bruce Rosen (US)
14:00 - 15:30
American/Mixed Dance Workshop
[Details to follow. Probably skills-focused and probably American] (P or A)
Charlie TurnerWeekend or Day tickets Only
15:45 - 17:15
Callers' Workshop: Global Terminology and Positional Calling
[Details to follow] (P)
Brooke Friendly (US)Weekend or Day tickets Only
15:45 - 17:15
Sports Hall
American Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (G)
Geoff Cubitt Audrey Jaber (US)Weekend or Day tickets Only
Bruce Rosen (US)
15:45 - 17:00
Swimming Pool
Ceilidh, but in a swimming pool! Come to join in dances like Drip the Willow, Splashing White Sergeant, Ducky Seven, Bridge of A Flume, Nottingham Sink, The Old Swan Splash, The Cornish Six Hand Eel, The New Mrs Arrowsmith's Armbands, Chlorinated Bridge, Waterfall Waltz, and the Circassian Snorkel... (P)
Crowdy Kit Fee Lock (Ceilidh Caller)Weekend or Day tickets Only
17:30 - 19:25
Sports Hall
Zesty Playford Dance
Lively Playford dances with a strong sense of connection and fun. Bring your enthusiasm and stamina - be prepared to dance! (P)
Crowdy Kit Andrew SwaineWeekend or Day tickets Only
20:00 - 23:45
Sports Hall
Out of Hand (Ceilidh Band) AERYNWeekend, Day or Event tickets Only
20:30 - 23:30
All-synthesised electro-balfolk dance party, with windsynths, e-melodeon, drum machine, and much much more. Expect tasteful (non-flashy) lighting and highly danceable music. (A)
PortmanteauWeekend or Day tickets Only

Events on Monday 26th May 2025
09:30 - 11:00
Callers' Workshop: American Squares
[Details to follow] (G)
Geoff Cubitt Audrey Jaber (US)Weekend or Day tickets Only
09:30 - 11:00
Sports Hall
Mixed/English Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (P or G)
Crowdy Kit Bernie CulkinWeekend or Day tickets Only
11:15 - 12:45
Dance Organisers' Round
An opportunity for dance organisers to get together and discuss all things dance organising. Hosted by Jen Cox (Oxfolk/BunkFest/Open Morris/EFDSS) and Jane Curry & Andrew Findlay (London Barndance).
11:15 - 12:40
Sports Hall
Mixed/English Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (G)
Crowdy Kit Frances OatesWeekend or Day tickets Only
14:00 - 15:30
Scandi Dance Workshop: Bingsjö Polska
Polska, the Swedish national dance is a wonderful turning dance with many varieties from different villages. Bingsjö Polska is a good introduction as it includes smooth turning of the couple despite each person having different steps. All levels welcome. (A)
J²ohn Stewart & Susannah Diamond Hinny & Joe WassWeekend or Day tickets Only
14:00 - 15:30
Sports Hall
American Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (G)
Crowdy Kit Geoff CubittWeekend or Day tickets Only
15:45 - 17:15
Scandi Dance Workshop: Røros Pols
Røros Pols can be an energetic Norwegian dance and includes polska and other interesting steps. All levels welcome although the previous Polska workshop an advantage. (A)
J²ohn Stewart & Susannah Diamond Hinny & Joe WassWeekend or Day tickets Only
15:45 - 17:15
Sports Hall
American Dance Workshop
[Details to follow] (G or A)
Andrew Swaine WillPowerWeekend or Day tickets Only
17:30 - 18:55
Sports Hall
Zesty Contra Dance
Lively contra dances with a strong sense of connection and fun. (G)
Geoff Cubitt WillPowerWeekend or Day tickets Only
19:30 - 19:55
Pre-Balfolk & Scandi Dance Session & Dancing
Bring your instruments and/or dancing shoes.
19:30 - 23:00
Sports Hall
Blackbeard's Tea Party Gordon Potts (Caller)Weekend, Day or Event tickets Only
20:00 - 22:30
Balfolk and Scandi Dance
A Grand Tour of Balfolk and Scandi dances. (A)
Hinny & Joe WassWeekend or Day tickets Only