24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
Let’s Be Different (Folk Dance)
Contra dances where the 1s and 2s do different things. This workshop will explore contra choreography where the 1s and 2s are on separate tracks - starting with contra corners and building from there! (P)

On:Saturday 25th May 2024
Starting at:09:30
Finishing at:11:00
Entry by:Weekend or Day tickets Only

Contra Sutra (USA)
Dave Bartley (guitarist/etceteraist and tunesmith - KGB, Roguery, Bag o’Tricks), Ben Schreiber (fiddle - Uncle Farmer, the Dam Beavers), and Marni Rachmiel (winds - the End Effects, Reverie).
Nicola Scott
Nicola Scott calls Scottish, English & contra around the West Midlands, and is noted for clarity of explanation and always calling with a smile!