24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
Tom Kitching and Marit Fält

Tom Kitching and Marit Fält

Author and musician Tom Kitching launches his new book and album, 'Where There's Brass', with a special storytelling and music concert show. Documenting six months living in the London waterways community, making the long journey across England from Manchester on a traditional narrowboat built in 1937, 'Where There's Brass' tells the story of the contemporary London waterways; a floating slum at worst, a bohemian, alternative, vibrant community at best. It is a love letter to the waterways, and a rallying cry for what they can be in the future. Stories old and new interwoven with a specially composed suite of music, underpinned by Tom's long term accompanist, the brilliant Nordic mandola player Marit Fält. This tour builds on the success of his previous work, most recently 'Seasons of Change', the stories and music from 18 months busking around England.

Programme for Tom Kitching and Marit Fält:

Sun 26th May 202420:00-22:30St. Andrews evening concert St AndrewsMelrose Quartet (Band), John Kirkpatrick (MC)Weekend, Day or Event tickets Only (£22)