24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
Calling for Contras and Squares (Folk Dance)
If you have done some calling of any genre but would like to find out more about calling contras and squares then come along for some teaching tips and discussion with Lynne and Rachel.

On:Sunday 26th May 2024
Starting at:09:30
Finishing at:11:00
Entry by:Weekend or Day tickets Only

Lynne Render
Lynne has been dancing most of her life and calling for thirty years. She calls for a variety of dancers, but her particular interest is American
Rachel Shapiro Wallace
Rachel Wallace’s high-energy approach involves clear, concise walk-throughs, attention to teaching and programming, and working with the band to create that groove that dancers love.
Bearded Dragons
The inimitable Benjamin Rowe and Vic Smith, masters of the traditional and the intangible, provide a unique and highly danceable musical experience.