24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
Rising Stars (Concert)
Rising stars concert to showcase new and upcoming artists.

On:Saturday 25th May 2024
Starting at:13:30
Finishing at:15:30
Entry by:Weekend or Day tickets Only
Where:The Angel
A Hotel in the centre of town, not only a weekend home to festival goers not wanting to brave canvas, the Angel kindly allow the festival use of their function rooms for many of our concerts and workshops.

Perseus Morgan (Band)

Perseus has been playing the harmonica since he was 14 and is now studying at Leeds conservatoire

John Cooper Wilde (Band)

A young but experienced performer whose confident and transportive performances are a combination of traditional and original songs, with style, taste and skill.

Rillen (Band)

A duo which reveres traditional folk tunes and how they're shaped by the lands and their inhabitants. Original tunes and songs, blending them with traditional tunes.

Barry Goodman (MC)

Barry Goodman is a singer, musician, songwriter, caller and folk arts educator based in Hertfordshire.