24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
Rising Stars (Concert)
Rising stars concert to showcase new and upcoming artists.

On:Sunday 26th May 2024
Starting at:13:30
Finishing at:15:30
Entry by:Weekend or Day tickets Only
Where:The Angel
A Hotel in the centre of town, not only a weekend home to festival goers not wanting to brave canvas, the Angel kindly allow the festival use of their function rooms for many of our concerts and workshops.

John Cooper Wilde (Band)

A young but experienced performer whose confident and transportive performances are a combination of traditional and original songs, with style, taste and skill.

Ruby Darbyshire (Band)

Ruby is a multi-instrumentalist branching out from being a Highland Bagpipe player, now a singer-songwriter supported and encouraged by some influential names and is passionate in all her endeavours.

Quantum Penguin (Matt Woolley) (Band)

Shropshire songwriter Quantum Penguin (AKA Matt Woolley) blends Vocals, Guitar, Fiddle and Bouzouki to create music that is both lilting and joyfully energetic.

Irishish (MC)

Joska Hegedus Vincent and Luke Shaw met at Bath university. The intricate melodies from Joska's fiddle and driving accompaniment from Luke's guitar result in the unique sound of Irishish