23 - 26 May 2025
23 - 26
Donnelly and South

Donnelly and South

Keith Donnelly, one of the most popular, and, yes slightly crazy, figures in the folk world, teams up with the scene’s most exciting new voice - Lauren South. Keith’s songwriting and guitar-playing often take a back seat to his onstage madcappery. Not so in this duo (He promises!). Lauren’s stunning vocals on her own originals, Keith’s, and the odd ‘trad’ songs, not forgetting her violin, guitar and shruti box playing, never fail to ‘wow’ audiences wherever she goes. Although this new combo might at first raise a few eyebrows, anyone who ever saw Keith work with Dark Horses, Nothing by Chance, or indeed (back in the day) Waterfall, won’t be too surprised to see him jump at the chance to work with a vocalist like Lauren. Anyone who’s heard these musicians separately will hopefully be as thrilled as we are to see the launch of this new duo. 'Magical' '...the lovliest gig I've had the pleasure of attending in quite some time.' 'I was curious as to how this meld of hyper-comedic talent and enthralling, intricate pure crystal vocal lines would work. The answer was simple: splendidly.' 'Accomplished musicianship... peppered with wit and laughter'

Donnelly and South includes Keith Donnelly
Donnelly and South includes Lauren South

The programme has not yet been published.

When it is, the programme for Donnelly and South will appear here.